The amplifier expansion block supports KEYENCE GT2-550 multi-head connection


Product information:
Product code: GT2-550
Installation type: DIN rail mounting bracket
Main unit/Extension block: Expansion block
Power supply voltage: 20 to 30 VDC, including 10% ripple (P-P) (GT2-550 power source from main unit), Class 2
Response time:
hsp(3)/5/10/100/500/1000 ms
(When using GT2-Pxxx, hsp (12)/20/40/400/2000/4000 ms)
Number of expandable units: Up to 3 units, including main unit (Max. 15 sensor heads)
Power consumption: 4,800 mW, Max. 160.0 mA, 30 V
Environmental resistance:
Ambient temperature: -10 to +50 °C
Ambient humidity: 35 to 85 % RH (Non-condensing)
Vibration resistance: 10 to 55 Hz, 1.5 mm Dual amplitude in X, Y, Z directions respectively, 2 hours
Main body: The main body shell is Polycarbonate
Cable: PVC
Weight: Approx. 95 g

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